The pilgrimage from the parish of Sts. Peter and Paul in Great Meadows, NJ to the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, PA is a deeply-felt testament of faith and reenactment of the march which Poles from all sections of Poland make to the shrine of the Black Madonna at Jasna Gora.
Every year the number of people on our pilgrimage increases. In 2007, more than 2000 pilgrims came to Doylestown, PA.
However, the steady increase in the number of pilgrims has brought with it an increase in the number of problems involved with the pilgrimage.
For instance, we need volunteers to drive the vehicles that will transport pilgrims, vehicles that drive in front of the walking groups and behind the walking groups. Drivers to deliver food and remove trash. Help on any of the other committees will also be greatly appreciated.
We also need assistance from the medical community. Nurses, doctors, nursing assistants are needed for minor injuries.
We are also seeking sponsors who will help to defray the costs of the pilgrimage with their donations. We make a special appeal to the owners of businesses, stores and warehouses for help in obtaining the food which we will supply to the pilgrims on each of the four days of the pilgrimage.
We ask anyone who is interested in providing this help to contact the pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul Church.
Telephone: (908) 637 – 4269.